Monday, October 03, 2005

My Big Fat Nerd Posting
Or, "Why it should have been Zoe instead..."

OK, yes, Serenity was awesome. Yes yes yes. I was totally 100% happy with it--except. The big except. The huge, I-knew-about-it-thanks-to-a-spoiler-but-still-couldn't-believe-it-was-gonna-happen except. Ah, Alan Tudyk... we barely knew ye.

Now, far be it from me to say that beloved characters shouldn't die. I'm a role-playing nerd, after all, and characters in my stories die all the time (frequently in ignominious ways) and it often makes a story better or more compelling. But I was still disappointed to see Wash die, for a number of reasons that I think were fairly rational. Not wanting to subject any readers of my main blog to these arguments, I hash them out here instead.
1. Alan Tudyk is totally hot. Oh, wait, no--that's not rational. Well, it IS, but it's not an argument against killing Wash, for the simple reason that EVERYONE on Firefly is totally hot. Seriously. I've never seen a show with so many attractive people in one place. So kill anyone, you kill a hottie. They're off the hook for that one. But moving on...
2. Wash has characteristics unduplicated by other members of the crew. He fills the role of the normal guy, the guy who doesn't enjoy fighting, who finds the life of crime they lead unnerving, and who is always the one to speak up and say "could we maybe try a solution that doesn't involve killing people, for once?" If we presume that the intention is to continue the Firefly franchise (either in movies or another series) then the subtraction of Wash leaves a gaping hole in the personality grid. Obviously, if this is the end of it, then it's no harm, no foul. But Firefly without the Wash element will seem a little lopsided in favor of the killing trio (Mal, Jayne, and Zoe.) Inara and Simon remain as outsiders, without a full "vote" at the crew table; and Kaylee isn't usually one to argue with the captain. This is why I called this the "It should have been Zoe" post. In the grand scheme of things, Zoe is more disposable than Wash. Don't get me wrong--I love Gina Torres, I loved her on Xena and I love her in this. She's funny, she's sexy, and she's a joy to watch. But at the most basic level, Zoe is a badass with a gun; so is Mal, and so is Jayne. And River is a badass without a gun. The ship is awash in badasses. Losing Zoe wouldn't affect the cast dynamic in a significant way; however, it would create an opportunity for further character development between Mal and Wash. Her captain and her husband--who mourns her more? Who deserves to? Plus, it might have been far more compelling to see Wash going ballistic during the reaver attack--the peacenik goes postal. Zoe's revenge moment frankly looked a lot like Zoe in every other battle. I would miss Zoe as a character; but I will miss Wash as an archetype.
3. Goddamn it, why is it so hard to have a good and believable married couple on a sci-fi show? Seriously. I loved that we had here a couple who were crazy about each other, had great on-screen chemistry, and *gasp!* they were actually married. It strikes me this doesn't happen all that often; apparently people don't marry in space. Or rather, they seldom start out married--couples that evolve during the course of a show may get hitched, but seems to me that you seldom get a character whose initial status is "happily married." Of course, if they'd killed Zoe I'd still be nursing this grudge for the loss of a good screen couple.... But still, that was one of my first reactions. Marriage is dangerous.

I wasn't bothered quite so much by the loss of Shepherd Book. I'll miss Ron Glass, of course--I was a Barney Miller fan, way back when, and I was totally thrilled to see Detective Harris on Firefly. But while I'm disappointed we'll never see the backstory for his character (and I feel certain that would have emerged, on the seasons-that-never-were--thanks again, Fox TV) the death was appropriate to the moment, it was well played, and it cemented our hatred for the Operative dude (who by the way has an amazing voice. like velvet. but evil velvet.) So, to sum up--I loved it. I even saw it twice, full price, during opening weekend (and I don't think I can say that about any other film, even the original star wars trilogy.) It was fantastic, I laughed, I cried, it was better than "Cats." But I do still wish Wash hadn't died. Sniff.