Thursday, February 27, 2003


::Earth Season::Fertility Week::

A voyage into the ruined city of Pavis, also known as The Big Rubble. Our heroes are making a beeline for the Garden, a small Aldryami forest in the southeast corner of the Rubble. Today is the goddess Aldrya's holy day, and the elves of the party (Eina and Enchasol) plan to celebrate at her holy grove within the Garden--also, of course, getting a chance for Power gain rolls and Divine Magic. The rest of the party comes along for the ride, but all are surprised at the lack of activity on the road through the garden. The only sign of life is a rather dim-witted pixie, who's still smart enough to know smoke when she smells it. The trolls from the north side of the river have chosen this holy day to make a raid across the river, and the forest is burning! Eina and Enchasol go further into the Garden to seek help, and the rest of the group retreats and goes around the forest perimeter to slow down the troll advance. Unfortunately, the group is plagued by some of the WORST dice rolling ever seen in this campaign, and things look bad for the elves. But just as Kiera the Chalana Arroy healer is about to have her head smashed in by a large Dark Troll, Lothar the Humakti scores his first big hit of the day, does critical damage, and simply whops the troll's head clean off. Quick on the heels of this morale-booster, the elf Wood Lords arrive and drive the trollkin and trolls into a confused retreat. Our heroes are hailed as heroes (except Crud the Trollkin, who is hailed as a menace.) All receive spell matrices and the hospitality of the elves for one night, and then they get the boot.
The next day is spent exploring Small Quarry and Oldtown, and a mighty battle is fought with the Loser gang. (The Losers are chaos creatures so useless that even broos despise them. One is just a head with two arms on either side; one is a torso that has to be picked up and carried around by the others; one is a giant left arm with a little atrophied body attached--you get the idea. The hands down favorite is a Harkonen-esque floating broo that explodes when Eina shoots it, doing her 2d6 damage.) Our heros make short work of the Losers (well, an hour of short work) only to find out that the Losers were losers in a monetary sense as well, and the "take" from all 5 of them netted a measelly 23 clacks and some crappy weapons.

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Dereke says I'm the best gamemaster ever.....
At last, a blog devoted to my gaming enterprises; Masks, Runequest, the Tuesday Night Flavor-of-the-Month, and anything else that strikes me fancy. I don't put it on Cautionary Tale because I do have a fair number of friends who have no interest in gaming whatsoever, but read my blog out of a sense of duty and fairness. So here is the gaming nookie, along with occasional contributions to the Game WISH and blathers about my gaming likes and dislikes.